(file) Return to OracleSqlFormatter.java CVS log (file) (dir) Up to [Development] / ifodder / src / com / javaunderground / jdbc

 1 pjaol 1.1 
 2           /**
 3            * Title:        <p>
 4            * Description:  <p>
 5            * Copyright:    Copyright (c) Troy Thompson, Bob Byron<p>
 6            * Company:      JavaUnderground<p>
 7            * @author       Troy Thompson, Bob Byron
 8            * @version 1.1
 9            */
10           package com.javaunderground.jdbc;
12           import java.util.Calendar;
13           import java.math.BigDecimal;
14           import java.io.*;
15           import java.sql.*;
17           /**
18            * OracleSqlFormatter formats Oracle specific types. These include
19            * Calendar, Date, Time, and TimeStamps. Generic types are handled
20            * by SqlFormatter.
21            */
22 pjaol 1.1 public class OracleSqlFormatter extends SqlFormatter{
24             /**
25              * Format of Oracle date: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.#'
26              */
27             final String ymd24="'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.#'";
29             /**
30              * Formats Calendar object into Oracle TO_DATE String.
31              * @param cal Calendar to be formatted
32              * @return formatted TO_DATE function
33              */
34             private String format(Calendar cal){
35               return "TO_DATE('" + new java.sql.Timestamp(cal.getTime().getTime()) + "',"+ymd24+")";
36             }
38             /**
39              * Formats Date object into Oracle TO_DATE String.
40              * @param date Date to be formatted
41              * @return formatted TO_DATE function
42              */
43 pjaol 1.1   private String format(java.sql.Date date){
44               return "TO_DATE('" + new java.sql.Timestamp(date.getTime()) + "',"+ymd24+")";
45             }
47             /**
48              * Formats Time object into Oracle TO_DATE String.
49              * @param time Time to be formatted
50              * @return formatted TO_DATE function
51              */
52             private String format(java.sql.Time time){
53               Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
54               cal.setTime(new java.util.Date(time.getTime()));
55               return "TO_DATE('" + cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + ":" +
56                 cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE) + ":" + cal.get(Calendar.SECOND) + "." +
57                 cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND) + "','HH24:MI:SS.#')";
58             }
60             /**
61              * Formats Timestamp object into Oracle TO_DATE String.
62              * @param timestamp Timestamp to be formatted
63              * @return formatted TO_DATE function
64 pjaol 1.1    */
65             private String format(java.sql.Timestamp timestamp){
66               return "TO_DATE('" + timestamp.toString() + "',"+ymd24+")";
67             }
70             /**
71              * Formats object to an Oracle specific formatted function.
72              * @param o Object to be formatted.
73              * @return formatted Oracle function or "NULL" if o is null.
74              * @exception SqlException
75              */
76             public String format(Object o) throws SQLException{
77               if (o == null)               return "NULL";
78               if (o instanceof Calendar)   return format((Calendar)o);
79               if (o instanceof Date)       return format((Date)o);
80               if (o instanceof Time)       return format((Time)o);
81               if (o instanceof Timestamp)  return format((Timestamp)o);
82               //if object not in one of our overridden methods, send to super class
83               return super.format(o);
85 pjaol 1.1   } }

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